Monday, February 18, 2013


It's sometimes a challenge convincing the hubs that the money I spend on scrapbooking isn't just disappearing.  Especially when said money sits on my desk while I stare at it and twiddle my thumbs.  But lately, I've been actually using my purchases.  Yay me!! 

For example, I recently won a $20 giftcard for Gossamer Blue, so I thought I'd purchase a kit and see how I liked it.  So AWESOME!!  I've made FOUR pages from just what was in the kit.  And I love them all. 

Then I decided that I needed to see if Studio Calico was really as awesome as it seemed to be, so I signed on for 6 months.  So far, so good.  Two pages in, again with only sent items, and I'm really pleased with it.  I've got plans, man...plans.

I really hope this is my new mode.  I love to do this, record my family's lives like this.  And as long as the kits keep being awesome, I think I'll keep at it.  :)

And because every post needs a pic, here's a sneak peek at a couple pages.

Studio Calico pages

Oh, one more thing...I'm still working on my blog.  Hopefully, I can make it super-fantastic-awesome.  Well, at least not sucky.

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