Jan 14 - snack time. trying, constantly, to remember to eat better. not that this is really healthy, but I guess it's better than chips. Watching my diet and exercising. I'm not sure how I feel about those words. I know I should be doing these things, but I really don't want to. I need to, so that my kids will make the right choices when they are older. I try, but it's usually a hit and miss.
Jan 15 - I can't believe she's old enough to read this already. I'm so happy that she decided to, though. When I found these books, I got so sucked into the story and she is too. She's only a few chapters in and has decided that this is her favorite book ever. We'll see how she gets through the series.
Jan 19 - I can't for the life of me remember why I took this picture. That is why I need to blog these sooner!!!
Jan 20 - Snack time for the kids! Okay, I know I just talked about eating healthy, but every once in a while this is okay. I do feed them better than I feed myself. Fruits and veggies added in about as much as cookies and chips. Every day after school the kids get a snack. By 3:15 they are all satisfied.
Jan 22 - Mr. Pouty. I don't really know what his problem was, but he's not normally like this. He is such a happy, sweet kid. But he was in a funk this day and I had to capture it. A rare occurance.
Jan 23 - yes, it's still alive. Amazing, but true. I got this plant about 3 months ago and it's still alive. I told Kathy that i'd kill it, but with it sitting by the sink I'm at least remembering to water the thing. The kids are even taking part in trying to keep it going. Let's check on it again in a month, shall we?