Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Teeth: useful or nuisance?

Yes, I know we need them.   Eating and chewing gum wouldn't be quite the same.  Right now though, I feel like pulling them all out so I won't go through this pain anymore.  I had a temporary crown put in and now they are thinking that I will need a root canal.  That's a new one for me.  Whatever, though.  Just want to feel normal again and not have to remember every 3 hours on the hour to take pain pills.  I don't really like myself all that much when I'm in pain.  My mom even made the comment that I wasn't very funny when I was hurting.  Okay, enough crying.

Sarah is almost done with kickball.  Only one game left this season.  Then she'll only have cheerleading and dance to fill up her time.  Whatever will she do?  I was upset this weekend though, I missed watching her cheer for the first game.  I get to go to the practices and see them there, usually.

AJ is in Cub Scouts now.  Jon had to take him to his first meeting.  Jon is not a fan.  I knew he wouldn't be, but he said he wasn't negative in front of Aj, so I guess that's something.  I get to go to the next meeting.  And probably the rest of them too.  Aj seemes excited though.

Jon's car-fate is still undecided.  Well, not so much undecided as not concluded.  He has to get a new car, he knows he has to get a new car and he's just not doing it.  I think he's decided to wait until he gets back from his Portugal trip, which I guess makes sense for him, but is really an inconvenience for my Momma.  Dear sweet Momma.  I really would be SOL without her.

In conclusion, some things are bad right now, some things are good.  But hey, that's life right? 
I love that they love each other!!
Here is a cute picture to put a smile on your face...

Friday, September 3, 2010

try try again

Yes, I'm going to try this again.  Not sure it'll work, but here we go!

Life has been super busy lately.  Mostly my own fault.  I've decided that Sarah needs to get into anything and everything available to see if she likes it and so far she likes it all.  Right now she is in tap and ballet, kickball, and will start cheerleading next week.  Hopefully my mind doesn't blow up.  AJ is easy right now, it's just Cub Scouts for him.  I've even had to color code my calendar to keep everything from blurring all together. 

I want to try to take pictures like I was.  It may only be a weekly thing, but I'm gonna try.  I think if I can get on here once a week that would be a big accomplishment for me.  How sad is that?  : )   Which pics to post this time?   I guess I could do the kids "school" pics.  I don't order from the school anymore  (I know, Bad Mommy!), because I can take better ones myself.  So, yes, without further ado here are Sarah and AJ's 2010 school pictures.  How Cute??

Friday, February 5, 2010

jan 25 - feb 5

Jan 27 -
Yea, yea.  I know.  I missed more days.  I'm going to tell you right now, it's not happening.  Maybe if I committ to just a pic a day for a week.  Maybe that would help.  IDK?  Anyway...

Sarah's first pair of glasses.  How freakin cute!  She was super excited to get these.  The week and a half between the appt and actually getting the glasses was killing her.  She was asking everyday about them.  She was telling everyone the color too.  Purple tortoise sparkle.  And then of course if they didn't notice right away she'd just stare expectantly at them until they said something.  That's my girl.

Jan 28th - Drawing pictures on my glass storm door in the condensation from their breath.  Thanks kids!

Jan 29th - Not the best pic of me, but I wanted to show off my braids.  Yes, I'm over 30 and yes it is okay for me to still wear pigtail braids!!  It's cute.

Jan 30th - Okay. here's what is really sad about this.  I haven't even taken a whole picture of the new car we got and now I have to show the damage done to the car after a week of owning it.  WTF!!  Our luck is not with cars lately.  I got the estimate and it'll be at least $1,550.  That's not counting the damage they might find once everything is taken apart.  Ouch.  Luckily, we have insurance.  A $500 deductible, but still that's better than the other amount.  This was really my first big accident.  I've tapped the person in front of me before, but never had to file a police report.  Plus, the kids were with me and the guy hit on Aj's side.  If I stop and think about that too long, it really freaks me out.  No one was hurt, both cars were still running.  It coulda been worse.

Jan 31 - Trying out yoga.  First day.  Sarah wanted to try too.  Jon, being Jon, grabbed the camera and took the picture.  I am now pretty sore, but in a good way.

This is the 2nd picture for this day.  Aj was just reading away.  He's one of like four kids in his class that can read.  I'm so proud of him.  Not only can he, but he likes to read too.  I really am lucky.  Both of these kids are turning out pretty damn near perfect so far.  (now I've jinxed myself)  But really, they are really good.  I've just got to figure out what Jon and I did right and keep it up.  I love them both so much. 

Feb 1 - Aj wasn't really feeling this shot, but Sarah was.  I told them I wanted to get good eye pictures and you can see the amount of enthusiasm  from the boy.  Sarah had 3 others, each with a different expression.  She's a ham!  I love it!

Feb 2 -  She really will pose for any picture.  I don't know why we took this, but she held it up and smiled and I took it.  She a very patriotic girl.  Maybe.

Feb 3 - Need to do dishes.  A constant on my to do list.  I don't think I'll ever like doing them.  It's a chore that I've even tried to pass off completely to the kids.  Without much success.  UGGGH!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jan 14-24

Jan 14 - snack time.  trying, constantly, to remember to eat better.  not that this is really healthy, but I guess it's better than chips.    Watching my diet and exercising.  I'm not sure how I feel about those words.  I know I should be doing these things, but I really don't want to.  I need to, so that my kids will make the right choices when they are older.  I try, but it's usually a hit and miss.

Jan 15 -  I can't believe she's old enough to read this already.  I'm so happy that she decided to, though.  When I found these books, I got so sucked into the story and she is too.  She's only a few chapters in and has decided that this is her favorite book ever.  We'll see how she gets through the series.

Jan 19 - I can't for the life of me remember why I took this picture.  That is why I need to blog these sooner!!!
Jan 20 - Snack time for the kids!  Okay, I know I just talked about eating healthy, but every once in a while this is okay.  I do feed them better than I feed myself.  Fruits and veggies added in about as much as cookies and chips.  Every day after school the kids get a snack. By 3:15 they are all satisfied.

Jan 21 - This is my favorite author.  I can't tell you how many times I've read and reread all of her books.  There are two series.  I started with the Anita Blake series and then got sucked into the Merry Gentry series.  I am invested in these characters lives.  I cry, laugh, get upset at the stupid things some of the characters do, I get creeped out and scared.  This is the most recent Anita book and I thought that I would reread it before the new one comes out. I got so sucked in that I couldn't put it down again.  She's gone back to how the books were written in the beginning and I'm lovin' it!

Jan 22 - Mr. Pouty.  I don't really know what his problem was, but he's not normally like this.  He is such a happy, sweet kid.  But he was in a funk this day and I had to capture it.  A rare occurance.

Jan 23 - yes, it's still alive.  Amazing, but true.  I got this plant about 3 months ago and it's still alive.  I told Kathy that i'd kill it, but with it sitting by the sink I'm at least remembering to water the thing.  The kids are even taking part in trying to keep it going.  Let's check on it again in a month, shall we?

Jan 24 - I'm a bad influence.  Just kidding.  It's not like she's never had a sip of alcohol before.  And I'm not the only one who gave her some!  I think that it's cool that Kaylie fits in so well with all of us.  Our group is varied in ages, but we all just mesh!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jan 10-14

Jan 10- AJ is all about drawing and coloring.  Most boys his age will do a little and then they're done.  He could sit and do it for, well I was going to say hours, but maybe one hour.  He's getting better and better at it too.  He does tend to take after me and Sarah though and add butterflies and flowers to some of his pictures.  Usually when he's drawing scenery.  He sees the pretty things in life.  Then he'll turn around and draw a dragon w/ blood and fire everywhere. 

Jan 11- Homework.  That is one word that I thought I wouldn't have to worry about once I was done with school.  Nope.  Now I have to make sure the kids do thier homework.  Plus, trying to explain all of it to her, makes me feel like a retard.  AJ's is a bit easier.  But, if I'm having this much trouble w/ 3rd grade, I don't want to think about future grades.  Yikes!
Jan 12- So, my van died.  A nice big puddle of foamy pinkish fluid on the ground the testament to it's demise.  The mechanics said that something ruptured and now some fluids are where they never should be.  I really do have the worst luck with cars.  This is the loaner from the mechanic.  It makes me feel like a little kid trying to climb up into it to drive.  Amy, called it my Tonka truck.  :)   We're going to look for a new car.  Not van, car.  It's cheaper, get more gas mileage, and I've not had the best luck with vans.  Hopefully, it'll work better!

Jan 14th - I took two photos this day to make up for missing a day.  This is Colton.  He is just the happiest, most smiley baby I've ever met.  He's teething now, if you couldn't tell.  I know my babies were good, but he just about puts them to shame.  He's also freakin' adorable. 
I had everyone over, everyone being Amy, Marnie, Amanda and Adrianne.  We were supposed to scrapbook, but really didn't get anything accomplished at all. 
Other than oohing and awwing over Colton.  I love being able to get together with my friends.  And even though some crappy things had to happen for us to be able to spend time like this, I'm likin' this time.  It's more laid back, less about what needs to be done @ work and more about who sucks @ work.  We just talk.  I was talking to Amy and realized I've not had a group of girlfriends like this since probably 6th grade.  They all make me smile.  I'm so glad I found them.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

jan 8-11

So taking pictures everyday is not as easy as it sounds.  I'm writing this post 10 days or so after taking this picture.  It's a challenge to remember to do it everyday.  I've only missed two days, but still.  I'm trying to switch it up and not just take pictures of my family.  I may end up reverting to that soon though.

Jan 8-Today was our snowy day.  I think we ended up getting 6+ inches.  It was really beautiful coming down.  I could see this tree from our front porch.  The snow resting on it here and there.  So pretty.  Cold, but pretty.

Jan9- Everyday after school, I pick up Elizabeth with the kids.  We have an extra 10 minutes in the car, which is ususally the time I like to just relax before the onslaught.  I always have coloring books or something to do in the car for her.  As much as I love her, that girl can talk!!  I'm sure it's thanks to her momma.

 Jan 10- A little more snow on top of our plentiful amount.  Jon is an expert shoveler.  I try to help out and you'd think living in norther Michigan all those years would help, but no.  Mom always just drove the car over the snow a bunch of times.  There were a few times when I remember shoveling, but not many.  He will get so much snow off the driveway that it'll melt and you can see pavement.  I just push off as much as I can. He even shoveled before he got the paper today!  Wow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jan 4-6 2009

Jan 4 - This bench used to be full of bags, now there are just the two left.  The kids started back to school today and so the bench is neater, less clustered, empty.  The whole house felt empty today.  We were all home this past week, all four of us.  Now it's just me again.  It's nice every so often to be alone, but I don't think I'm going to deal well when the kids leave home.  Jon is going to have to get me a dog or something.

Jan 5th - It's been so cold this week.  I thought the kids could use a nice hot bowl of oatmeal to start the day off right.  AJ was all about it and of course, Sarah was not.  I'm not sure when this aversion to oatmeal started, but she does not eat it anymore.  I'm going to buy some other nice hot breakfasts this week at the store.
Jan 6th
Everyday when we leave the house we pass by these berries.  In the fall when all the leaves fell off the bush, the kids were amazed when they discovered these red and white berries.  These are about the last of them now.  I doubt they'll last much longer through the winter.  Just one of my everyday sights.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Okay, so yes it's been awhile sinced I've blogged.  I've decided that this is the year I remember everything.  I may not blog everyday, I may not have a lot to say when I do write, but I'm committed.

I'm starting the project 365 this year.  I'm hoping to not only keep track of my days through the pics, but also to improve my photographic skills.  I'm hoping.  I'm also going to be posting my pics here and writing bits and pieces about them.  So here goes...

Jan 1
Self portrait.  Sarah and me.  We took several pictures on the first day of 2010, but this one just captures my little girl.  Well, I guess not so little anymore.  This is just one of her many faces, of which she can pull out and use at anytime, without warning.  She cracks me up.
Jan 2
I always try to remember exactly how I'd set up my Christmas decorations the year before, and finally realized that I had a camera and could keep track of things like that.  This was what my table looked like before all the Christmas stuff was packed away.

Jan 3
Sunday brunch.  Something I always loved when I was growing up.  I decided since I was off work for most of the kids break and only cooked-cooked breakfast once, I'd do a nice one on their last day.